My left shoulder started aching about 2 weeks ago after yoga. (I think it was after my amazing backbend!) I called the doctor and an appointment was set for today. In between it started feeling better - I was so happy and returned to yoga on Saturday. Upon which I quickly learned that was a mistake. It has been painful, numb and tingly since Saturday. Thanks to Steve for his fine heat, ice wrapping skills. On Saturday, Carena, as always had such profound wisdom to offer. She told us to take what we learn from 'our mat time' into our life. She encouraged us not to run, run through life and then come exhuasted on our mat but rather let our mat time help us to learn to be healthier out in our life. Are you following me? So when today the doctor said, I had Shoulder Impingement Stage II I realized I had to listen to my body and the doctor. I want to run to yoga! I am so grateful for good health. I treasure my left arm/shoulder = my eyes - my mobility (to pick up the harness and go). So, we are grounded from yoga for a couple weeks and instead physical therapy and listening to our bodies and incorporating the many lessons I learn from yoga in my life. Cricket will miss yoga. She is happy when she hears the word yoga and finds comfort in her mat.
There's such a lovely peaceful expression on your face in the photo. I'd be grousing and moaning about the limitations, but you are so GREAT about making lemonade with your lemons.
Oh no! I hope your shoulder heals quickly so that you and Cricket can back to that yoga! You two look so cute on your mats!
Hope you feel better soon. Glad you can still incorporate the other things you learn in yoga.
Ouch! I know how you feel – I suffered a rotator cuff injury two years ago, physical therapist thought it was the result of using improper strokes while swimming and letting my Seeing Eye dog pull too hard on the harness. You can read all about my initial physical therapy, etc. here:
Oops, this part got cut off from the end of my last comment: Good luck, and thanks again for commenting to my blog posts, Becky – always appreciated!
Hope that shoulder heals soon and you and Cricket can get back to yoga!
Shoulder pain is no joke. I could barely lift my arm up to dry my hair the other week. Thankfully that lasted about three days. :) Feel better soon.
Thank you SO much for the well wishes! We love comments and your support.
You are wise to take it easy! What a cute pic of you and Cricket on your mats! Hope your shoulder gets feeling better soon.
Shoulder pain is no fun. My impingement would not yield to conservative measures - finally had surgery on Feb. 1. Calcium deposits and bone spur: gone! Now it's physical therapy twice a week. I hope your shoulder gets better with rest. Soon you and Cricket will be back on your yoga mats.
Best wishes.
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