I know this is a small victory but seems that I have been venting my frustration on the construction near my office, I would let you all know the sidewalk is finished! Cricket and I can walk safely down the sidewalk. Today Cricket stopped before the new part and then proceeded on. I went into Arctic Circle today and told them how happy I was (they are so friendly there and say hi becky when I come in -- okay, how many fast food places do that!) I asked a couple of the other therapists in my office before we went for our walk if they had noticed if the sidewalk was finished and they both said -- didn't realize it was under construction. I told them they were lucky they had been spared of my venting of my sidewalk woes for the past several months ... they also said, wow, you have to think about things we don't even think of. True perhaps but I am sure they are thinking about things that I'm not even thinking of.
Here in Ohio, we celebrate the small victories. :) I noticed the beautiful little yellow lab on the sidewalk more than noticing the sidewalk itself....
Nicole .. agree life is about a lot of little things isn't it!
Yay!!! This is such a great news for us blinks:) Is this the one with Cricket's paw print? Is she going to have the street named after her???
Nikki - Great idea - yes same street . . . let's see Cricket Crossing ... hmmm any better ideas for names?
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