My little red tether is my anchor in running with my friends. A beautiful guide dog has been my tether/anchor in mobility and independence for 17 years: 1. Pantera 2. Cricket, and now my beautiful 3. Georgina (Georgie). A life of family and friends is my joy and anchor in life.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. CC Scott

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Closet Sweet Closet

We just got home from Kansas City ... yes, flight #40 & #41 - I did fabulous. I'm hiding out in the closet while they get settled -- you know laundry and all that fun stuff. I'm sure Becky can't wait to tell you how wonderful I did!


Beth and Alfie said...

We got a sneak preview of your fabulous work on Hosta's blog! :) Glad you made it home safe & sound...there's nothing like your own closet I guess!

Cassie & The Dogs said...

Cricket, you are just about the cutest thing I have ever seen in a closet!!

Sarah and Romeo said...

Yeah, read a bit about your adventures with Lisa and Hosta can't wait to hear your side!

3 labs 4 me said...

Cricket, you can come & sleep in my closet any time!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Glad to hear that you did fabulous on your flight. So how long did you hide in the closet. It looks comfy. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Lisa and pups said...

A closet is the best place to hide to escape doing laundry! :D Glad you made it home safely.