Searching for just the right bone, Cricket dug at her basket for a minute, curious I wondered would she tip the basket over to get to the bottom bone or surrender and accept what was available. Sometimes she works hard to get to that bottom bone -- other times she enjoys what is available to reach from the top. I often reflect on what I can learn from Cricket.
I thought of my unwillingness at times to yield - to surrender and go into 'child's pose' in yoga. I want to push and stay up in 'down dog'. Balance. At times, we push and search and at times we yield and surrender. They are both integral parts of our journey in life.
Thank you, Dr. Alan Wolfelt for another excellent quote I will incorporate into my group tonight and a message I can be reminded of in my life as well:
The concept of surrender teaches you that when you stop resisting and surrender to your situation exactly as it is, things begin to change. Resistance is an instinctive mechanism you use to push away or deny your pain to protect you from your feelings of loss and grief. In the end, resistance robs you of your capacity to heal and transcend. When you surrender, you acknowledge, "This is what I am faced with right now in my life's journey. While Id like it to be different, I must allow myself to face the reality of what is happening -- When you surrender you release attachment to how you feel your life should be and invite yourself to be in the presence of your life exactly as it is. While naturally difficult to do, surrender is an act of courage.
That was a nice post! That is very true.
Blessings, Deborah
Excellent words of wisdom...
WOW --that was very good
and I need to remember that for myself
I am usually a resister , perhaps like most people,
I am always a little afraid to really "look at the situation"
I act as if I continue to ignore it, it will go away
Nice post - well written and I love the photo of Crickers! :D
So what did she choose???? What was on top or dig to the bottom? BC dog is busily chewing away...he is a voracious chewer!
Thanks! Nicole - I have no idea what she chose - I was involved in her process of surrendering :D. She's a cutie.
Most of the time, I surrender to my situation because I am too exhausted to resist it any longer.
Surrender is a skill worth learning well. It always brings us home to our Truth. while resistance is just the ego wanting things 'it's' way.
LOL, Love, Susan
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