My little red tether is my anchor in running with my friends. A beautiful guide dog has been my tether/anchor in mobility and independence for 17 years: 1. Pantera 2. Cricket, and now my beautiful 3. Georgina (Georgie). A life of family and friends is my joy and anchor in life.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. CC Scott

Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Kendall

On a birthday, I cover the fridge with pictures of that person. (as you can see they look like a mom who is blind put them up randomly (and that's okay) -- hope the message is they are put up with so much love for this person.) Today is it covered with pictures of Kendall. We are celebrating him.
Dear Kendall (aka as Brud);  

You told me once you looked at my blog, in case you look again. 

Happy 23rd Birthday!  I hope this year is an amazing one for you!   You've heard the story ... yours was a quick pregnancy - confirmed in October that you were due March 4th and you opted to come a week sooner.    A quick delivery arriving 9:21 PM at 7 lbs. 7 ounces after two plus hours.   We were thrilled to have a baby boy join our family.   I recall the day you were born it was a beautiful warm day -- very spring like weather.   It was a Thursday, in the middle of the quarter of my senior year in college, so I returned the following Monday for my classes.  (Crazy, what was I thinking -- promise just went for my two classes and you even were able to come with me for several days)  We were fortunate to have grandparents and dad with a flexible job that could take care of you and your big sister (all of 20 months older than you) while I slipped away to class for a few weeks until the quarter ended.   

Kendall,  I love YOU for being YOU, your sense of humor, your desire to learn, your dropping in to say hi, your taking me for a milk shake, your growth and testimony, your loyalty, your compassion, your sense of integrity, your love of the outdoors, your passion for sports, your new love of rugy (please be careful), your amazing knowledge of history and current events, your ability to debate on either side of an issue,  your thoughtfulness in choosing a gift (I'm still listening to your latest book/cd you gave me),  your work ethic, your devotion to your family, being a sport and letting me play catch with you  and alerting me when the ball is coming my way, and a hug from you is sweet.  It is such a joy to be your mom and friend.

Once again, Happy Birthday and look forward to celebrating the day with you!  I hope you find our card half as funny as we did as we giggled inside the card shop:  Front:  Our gift to you, son?  Inside: Life. (You're welcome.) 

Really ... motherhood is such a gift and I am SO grateful for YOU.

Love you, Mom


Clive said...

Wishing Kendall a very happy birthday!

Have a lovely weekend

Erin said...

That's a great card. :) What a fun idea too - to fill the fridge with pictures of the b-day person. Love it!

wendy said...

That was a very heart felt post.
Imagine --to be only 23. Seems like a million years ago.
Such hope still
such possibilities
such optimism

I wish I still had all of that.
I too would love to put lots of pictures on the fridge.

I am sure he feels VERY loved.

Karen said...

He is a great young man and we were so happy to be able to spend a little time with all of you.
