As Kendall pulled away from the house last night with his truck full of his belongings, he said its okay mom I'll come back and visit. Steve and I shut the door, hugged and said we are empty nesters again. Kendall had been back home for the past six months, and we really enjoyed having him here. Multiple emotions run through at this time. We'll get used to our quiet house again and yes, even enjoy it.
I reflect on these amazing children who are now such kind, caring, responsible adults that we love spending time with. They are each beginning a new semester in school this month. (Kendall - undergrad, Adam - law school, and Natalie - MBA) We wish them each well.

OH yes, I so know and understand those emotions. It is hard to 'let the kids go', into the big scary world. We hope and pray that all the things we tried to teach them will "sink in" and carry them through. And, we will just walk through the house, wondering why we aren't tripping over a shoe, hearing the phone ring, picking up an empty glass. All those things we complained to them about ---and suddenly miss.
THEN, we get used to the clean, quiet and ---------well, it's as it should be.
It is hard to let them go but you are right it is wonderful to see them progress and find their place in this old world. I know after all these years I love it when I have my three together.
You & Steve have done an amazing job raising Natalie & Kendall. I know you are very proud of them.
Your nest isn't completely empty! You've still got Cricket and Missy!
That's actually part of the reason why I decided to keep Cabana. I figured she'd help fill some of the void when my girls move out--which won't be for a few years yet, but I know it's right around the corner.
Hope Kendall has a smooth transition and that he will come visit often.
What a great family. Yeah, they can leave already :)
Indeed as it should be and makes the times together that much sweeter.
Mimi - so true. Our nest is empty but the 'cave' (as we refer to the shower where they sleep) is full with two dogs. Sounds like Cabana is such a great addition to your family.
Not easy when the kids leave - no matter what age they are but then again it always made the return visits more special.
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