My little red tether is my anchor in running with my friends. A beautiful guide dog has been my tether/anchor in mobility and independence for 17 years: 1. Pantera 2. Cricket, and now my beautiful 3. Georgina (Georgie). A life of family and friends is my joy and anchor in life.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. CC Scott

Sunday, August 30, 2009

"Soul Playing Catch-up"

I love Music and the Spoken Word
at Temple Square. Recently, the message was in part:
A world renowned anthroplogist who spentseveral years among the natives of the upper Amazon in south America once described leading a rapid march through the jungle to the nearest settlement. The group pushed through the undergrowth for two days with great success, but the third morning, rather than preparing to start, the natives, it was reported were "sitting on their haunches, looking very solemn." No one was moving. "They are waiting," the chief explained to the explorer. "They cannot move farther until their souls have caught up with their bodies." The natives understood the importance of spiritual renewal.
In our jam-packed work weeks and over-programmed lives, many struggle to find spiritual renewal. We all know there's more to life than endless streams of busyness, but we need to pause, think, watch, and listen to give our souls time to find it. In fact, the 'more' we're searching for is most often found when there is less pressure, less cost, even less structure. An exotic location or quiet mountaintop isn't necessary; a morning walk will do. Change of pace and scenery can bring renewal. And we soon will grasp the power that comes from sitting still and letting our souls catch up with us.

One reason I love Sundays ... generally a day to feel spiritually renewed, & soul catch up to begin a new week. That includes a nice walk with Crickers. Having me feel like she is doing well and has her time to be in balance is important both for my safety and her happiness.


3 labs 4 me said...

Yes, we all need a day of rest & renewal. It helps to prepare us for the coming week & all of the challenges that come our way.

Kauaiart said...

After my retreat I began a meditation practice of formally 'Sitting'. Such solace! And it feels like this centering practice to allow the soul to 'catch up'. A Lovely post Becky!

OSU 98 said...

Love the photo of Cricket. If that doesn't make you want to slow down and bond with her, nothing will.

Maryissewfast said...

Thanks for the reminder of how important it is to "let our soul catch up"!

Katrin said...

Nice post and great reminder. I too find that if I don't have 1 day to myself to just rest and 'be' each week life just gets a little too frazzled for comfort. The dogs are always good at reminding me to take a break from my various projects and get out in nature away from technology and other stresses of life.