My little red tether is my anchor in running with my friends. A beautiful guide dog has been my tether/anchor in mobility and independence for 17 years: 1. Pantera 2. Cricket, and now my beautiful 3. Georgina (Georgie). A life of family and friends is my joy and anchor in life.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. CC Scott

Friday, June 24, 2011

Tree Tradition

Cricket was not real thrilled when we arrived at the Nursery. Her princess paws are not a fan of their gravel pathways, but we needed flowers for our front porch and a peach tree so she was a good sport.  The tree fit in the back seat.  Its amazing what we can fit in this car. 
Family tradition is that you jump over the tree before it is planted.  Then, you can tell your kids, grandkids you jumped over the tree when it is big.   Our kids jumped over all the trees in our yard before they were planted as did Steve in his yard growing up.  Although she was a bit confused, Cricket did her part and jumped over the tree.   

Steve jumped over it after it was planted but the photographer, that would be me, didn't get a great shot ... fuzzy and missed the great jumper so take my word for it, he jumped from the higher rocks over the tree.  He's still able to walk! We'll be riding Saturday for a great cause, Multiple Sclerosis through our beautiful Cache Valley that we love.  

Kendall stopped in to jump over the tree!   


Erin said...

Oh I LOVE that tradition! I'm going to start that with my kids! If we ever plant anything that is!

BTW - that yellow and gray skirt in your previous post looks SO cute on you. I love your style. And your optimism. :)

Lisa and pups said...

Oh, that's such a great tradition! So wonderful and fun! I love it!

wendy said...

Princess Paws...that was cute.
What a fun tradition...jumping over the tree.
AND I love your rocks in your yard.
Cache Valley would be a beautiful place to ride through.

Steve said...

This tradition began when my father used to show us the houses he grew up in. At one house was a huge 50+ foot pine tree and he commented that he used to jump over that tree. As a little kid I was so impressed with my Dad that I vowed that I would jump over every tree in my yard growing up and as a family we always jump over the trees we plant. Its paid off now we go back to those yards and the trees are 30 to 100 feet tall and we can say we jumped over every one of them. When we can we jump over them after they are planted but since many come too tall for that I have layed them down prior to the planting and jumped them then. Its much safer for the little ones and the macho ones as well. Makes it fun to go back and see the yards we all grew up in or raised the kids in.

3 labs 4 me said...

Jumping over trees?? That's something that I've never heard of before. How fun. Thanks for sharing your tradition with all of us.