My mom: I have such a warm place in my heart for both Becky's guides: Pantera and Cricket. Not only have they given her independence but they have answered a mother's prayer for her dear daughter. I've always known that Becky has so much potential and I was afraid that she would not be able to do what she wanted and was capable of doing with her life. With the independence and consistent help of her two guides, Becky is meeting life's challenges head on and inspiring others to do the same. I sleep better at night and my heart is much more at peace knowing she has a wonderful dog as her friend, companion and eyes. My thanks to the wonderful puppy raisers is all I have to give, but it is sincere.
My dad: One of the greatest expressions of love that I have ever witnessed is the lasting bond formed when the graduating person accepts the guide dog from the selfless puppy raiser at graduation. Others can only imagine my joy when I first saw Becky swinging down the street at full speed with a wide smile and confident walk. Pantera moved fast and she loved it. Crickets follows the outside of the sidewalk and she loves that too. Guides Dogs equal freedom.
Thank you to your Mom and Dad for the cudos to us puppy raisers. Stories like this are why we can give them up!!! Our currant puppy, Dublin, is 10 mo old now, the 12-13 mo age is coming fast!When he will go for formal training.
That was so moving. Yes, guide dogs are answers to prayer, aren't they.
I've loved reading your last few posts, thank you (and your family) for sharing such warm and personal thoughts with us.
Isn't that so true! Wonderful, heartfelt thoughts from your folks. We are grateful too for those great dogs who have guided you, kept you from harm, and given you the ability to come and go and achieve so many good things! We love you, Becky.
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