My little red tether is my anchor in running with my friends. A beautiful guide dog has been my tether/anchor in mobility and independence for 17 years: 1. Pantera 2. Cricket, and now my beautiful 3. Georgina (Georgie). A life of family and friends is my joy and anchor in life.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. CC Scott

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good Life. Guide Dog

It seems in the past few months I have had several people asking about Cricket's routine, lifestyle as a guide dog, seeing her at work in the evenings asking if she had the opportunity to have a walk that day. I think those deep dark brown, droopy, beautiful eyes pentrating can lead someone to be her advocate and wanting to make sure she is being well cared for!  She is my dear buddy, my eyes, my special friend that I love and appreciate daiily.   Recently at a conference someone saw us at the conference all day and then saw her that evening in harness and asked if she had gotten a 'break'  I think the conversation went something like - that dog has been in that harness all day does she get a break!   True much of the day she had been in her harness ... however, lying on her mat by my side with two nice breaks plus a lunch hour during the day and an evening time-out in the hotel room with time to take off the harness and chew on a bone before the night walk at the mall. I am reminded that educational opportunities abound in helping others see indeed the good life that Cricket and other guide dogs lead.

As my guide, Cricket rarely is left alone. She spends her days out and about with me by her side.  Each day is an exciting new adventure of discovery.  As my guide, Cricket spends her time indoors -- her time outside again is with me going for a walk or another adventure -- no time alone in a yard. As my guide, she sleeps on a nice fluffy bed by the side of my bed. As a guide, she enjoys being an integral part of our family, yes even included in the family photos. As a guide, she enjoys learning new words and being continually  praised for her good work. As a guide, she enjoys consistency and routine. As my guide, she runs to the door each day to begin her day loving what she does as a guide dog. As my guide, she loves serving as my eyes with a bounce in her step. The day she quits loving this will be the day she won't be my guide but a beloved pet. As my guide, she has my love and devotion and I believe she has a VERY Good Life.  I recognize that there are those who don't understand and so I am happy to explain her good life by blog, by conversation or in any other way.


Amanda said...

I had a person approach me with the same concerns about puppies in training on Saturday. You beautifully express the wonderful life dogs have as guides. Thank you so much! I might just be passing on your wisdom in the future. It is obvious that Cricket is one well loved dog!

Karen said...

Cricket has a wonderful life. A life of love and devotion not only for her to give but for her to get. It is so obvious when we are with her that she is one happy healthy dog!!

Becky Andrews said...

Amanda, thank you!
Mom, you know Cricket adores you!

3 labs 4 me said...

As your friend & Cricket's friend, I can confirm that Cricket has the best life, a dog could ever have! She loves her job, she loves you & your family & she's a very happy, healthy, well cared for & very muched loved by you!