My little red tether is my anchor in running with my friends. A beautiful guide dog has been my tether/anchor in mobility and independence for 17 years: 1. Pantera 2. Cricket, and now my beautiful 3. Georgina (Georgie). A life of family and friends is my joy and anchor in life.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. CC Scott

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Appreciating the Little Things

Life is made up of little moments that we can appreciate and cherish. Cricket loves to have her teeth brushed - when she sees the chicken flavor toothpaste come out she sits
and waits so patiently and enjoys each taste!
For Missy its a quick brush with only 7 teeth left!
A friend recently asked me if I am still enjoying gardening even though much is fuzzy and lost - I was reminded that one of the little things I love is the digging in the dirt part - whether I can see or simply visualize the outcome. Even though we have received abundant water this week, Cricket has insisted that we have our little routine of watering the flowers and running. Simplicity and joy in abundance. The beauty of the world is incredible in so many ways. A friend and I (and Cricket of course) were sitting in the hills yesterday on a blanket and three deer pranced by - silence as we just enjoyed their presence and being outside together prior to the big rainstorm. (We made it back to the car just before it started to be a downpour of rain and thunder) In the middle of our conversation a text and picture from Natalie that they were also enjoying the beauty of Torrey Pines. I felt connected although miles apart. How did I go from Cricket getting her teeth brushed to feeling connected to Natalie from miles apart? Just all little moments in a day to be enjoyed and appreciated.

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