If you've been reading this blog you know that Pantera (my first guide) died on March 22nd and Alger (first guide to good friend, Rod) died on June 6. Our dogs graduated together from Guide Dogs for the Blind and we became great friends because of these good dogs -- they also had a special friendship and so it was interesting that they both died so close together -- So, in their memory today, our families had breakfast (a fun side note: we had breakfast casserole which is a recipe from Pantera's puppy raising family!) - wrote on balloons and let them go and shared memories of these special dogs. We love you and miss you Alger and Pantera! Thanks for all you did to open that first door in helping us see how amazing a guide dog could be in our lives!
Cricket and Morton (Rod's new guide dog) enjoyed some play time!
As you know I am a huge dog lover, just ask cricket, and so I loved this.
Keep up the blogging I am a huge fan.
Give cricket a big hug as I really miss him.
Check out my blog when you have time it is:
Valerie -- You know Cricket and I love you! Thanks so much and love your blog.
I wish I could have been there to remember Pantera & Alger. However, my thoughts were with all of you. Love, Debi
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