My little red tether is my anchor in running with my friends. A beautiful guide dog has been my tether/anchor in mobility and independence for 17 years: 1. Pantera 2. Cricket, and now my beautiful 3. Georgina (Georgie). A life of family and friends is my joy and anchor in life.

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. CC Scott

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Puppy Raisers - Forever Friends

It was so much fun to see Loren, Peggy, Meg and Cody at the airport. They had a 2-hour layover so just enough time to find a quiet corner and have a little picnic and for us to get to meet Cody and them to meet Cricket!
This was our first time seeing each other without Pantera. We shared memories and special times with her -- somehow I think her loving spirit was nearby.
Cody is so sweet and I was thrilled he would let me hold him! It was fun for them to get to know Cricket, too! Look forward to seeing them again and so grateful for their friendship and gift of love.


3 labs 4 me said...

Loved the photos with the Kellogg's. They are a wonderful family & I'm glad that you got to see them during their layover. I remember when the Kellogg's came to see you & Pantera at my house. I wanted to meet Pantera's puppy raisers & enjoyed sharing Pantera stories with them. Little did I know, the next time I would see Meg, would be at Pantera's retirement party. The years have certainly flown by. Love, Debi

Becky Andrews said...

Debi, Yes - that was so much fun -- you were and are such a wonderful host and I still remember your fabulous lasagna that evening!